Partnership and network

EIFO is continuously forming partnerships which help to grow Danish trade and industry and develop new, innovative technologies.

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Partnership with EIFO

In order to thoroughly prepare the companies for the real challenges of the world, we need to combine many different experiences, expertise, and players. It is our experience that this can be achieved through the right kind of partnerships.

Who does EIFO collaborate with?

The Export and Investment Fund of Denmark (EIFO) collaborates with many different types of partners depending on the purpose. For instance, a partnership can help to mature companies who are at a very early stage through, an accelerator programme. A partnership can also be more industry specific such as participating as a partner at an investor meeting within the agrifood sector.

Our role as a partner therefore depends on the type of partnership but we will, of course, always have an advisory role and contribute with the experiences and knowledge that we have established throughout many years.

In some cases, we can also provide a limited financial contribution to help to launch various initiatives for the benefit of the Danish ecosystem, and which are in line with EIFO’s strategic priorities.

Photo: Credit: Partnership with Canute (London, 2022)

What is important to us in a partnership?

When we assess the possibilities of a partnership, we put emphasis on four relevant parameters:

  1. Will the partnership bring us in contact with companies who need capital to grow or to export?
  2. Will the partnership bring us in contact with financial institutions, investors, funds, or other players that we can collaborate with in order to strengthen the Danish ecosystem for growth- and export companies?
  3. Will the partnership be able to strengthen an immature area with a great potential in the market? Will it, for instance, help to create better conditions for growth- and export companies within a specific region or industry?
  4. Will the partnership contribute to development of competencies and improve our abilities to help Danish growth- and export companies?
Apply for partnership

If you think that EIFO could be a relevant partner for your project or initiative, then send us an email to partnerskaber@vf.dk with the following information:

  • What is the purpose of your project and what kind of deliveries are involved?
  • Where and when will the project take place?
  • Who are the target groups of the project?
  • What do you wish to achieve with this project?
  • How can EIFO contribute, what will be our role, what can we expect to gain from a partnership?
  • In what way could a partnership address one or several of the above-mentioned four parameters?

We process applications on a regular basis and will come back to you soonest possible.